Rhodes Park Restaurant​ Petition The Rhodes park restaurant used to be a prized building where many visitors from Johannesburg, and residents from Kensington, spent many fun times with their children, family and friends, having tea, coffee, ice creams and lunches. In the past many people even held their wedding parties in this restaurant .This restaurant is full of great memories. However due to the city of Johannesburg's neglect, this prized restaurant has gone to rack and ruin, becoming a haven for vagrants and becoming a security risk to all park visitors. We the residents of Johannesburg and Kensington, hereby petition the city of Johannesburg, that this prized building be restored to its former glory and leased out to a reputable tenant, so that we the residents of Johannesburg, once again can enjoy the wonders of this beautiful restaurant, with the beautiful views of the water features of Rhodes park. First Name (required) Last Name (required) Physical Address(required) ID Number(required) Cellphone Number(required) Email Address(required) Electronic signature acceptance(required)